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Prototype your app in two weeks

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Low risk app innovation

Money back guarantee

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What does it cost

What is an App Prototype?

You have an idea for an app and you want a lean implementation quickly and at a low cost.   The traditional app development model would be for you to define your entire idea, hire a development team to create a full project scope,  develop it, test it and launch it.   We do it a bit different, we work with you to reduce the idea to its basic core – the prototype.  The prototype only has the ideas and concepts that the app MUST have to be unique and show its value.  In this brainstorming session, our goal is to both distill the idea to its essence,  and ALSO define a prototype that can be rapidly implemented.   Our goal is 2 weeks.   At the end of the discussion,   we create a prototype schedule and commitment which defines the steps, your involvement and what you will have at the end of the prototype period.   With this process you can have your app idea in hand faster than any other method – and we back it up with a Money Back Guarantee.

Matraex Software Development creates app prototypes in days rather than months

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App Discovery

In order to Matraex to understand your custom app concept,  and build a prototype that works for you,   we start with a Discovery session.  In this session we start with an overview from you,  then we start discussing the more custom features of your app,   next we prioritize what is most important to you and what features would provide you the most value and enable you to take your next step with your app.  When the app concept is a good fit, the result of the discovery meeting will be a commitment document that we propose to you.   The letter details the features we will deliver in the prototype with our commitment and Money Back Guarantee.

As part of the discovery we find that first formally going through a quick survey of questions – gives us a head start in the conversation


Take the App Survey

Our Steps

Our Process:

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Can you really have an app on my phone in 3 days?

Yes we use Test Flight on apple,  or we send you an APK file if you are on android.

How much does a prototype app cost?

Our Prototype apps cost a flat rate of $10K.  While full custom app development range from tens of thousands to millions of dollars, we control our app prices by limiting the features we select into a very scaled down set of features. What does it cost

How do you make it so fast?

We built our own prototyping tools and we have prototype servers, API tools and existing accounts setup and ready for your idea.   We are very familiar with the steps that EVERY app must go through to get to your phone – so these steps have been shortened.

What type of apps do you create? Do you build games?

We focus on productivity, business and utility apps.  Not all apps are an exact match for a single category so  it might be worth asking (click to open modal).   No,  we dont build games.

Do you prototype with in app purchase?

Yes!   We have systems that allow us to setup in app purchases quickly.   The biggest delay to in app purchases is typically related to you setting up your account in the App Store to receive the funds.  As we setup our commitment to your prototype we will discuss what is reasonable.

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